Future of Coding

Future of Coding is an online community with a welcoming, cooperative, and revolutionary spirit. We are unified in the belief that the common practice of programming is tragically less humane than it could be. There’s a world of possibilities that get more beautiful the further away from the norm you go. We’re here to explore this world together, to discuss ideas about theory and practice, and to champion and support our members’ research and development efforts to reimagine computing.


We share ideas, prototypes, weekly videos, and inspirational links, with a friendly tone and an inclusive code of conduct. You are heartily encouraged to join.


Our members organize meetups and events in cities around the world and online. The London meetup is especially popular and deserves sepcial mention.


There’s a podcast, too. It’s grown and changed quite a bit over the years. Presently, hosts Ivan Reese, Jimmy Miller, and Lu Wilson share notable and notorious works from across the history of our field, with one eye on philosophy and frequent diversions into the absurd. Listen in your podcast player by searching for Future of Coding, or via Apple Podcasts | Overcast | RSS and if you feel so inclined, become a supporter to access bonus content and warm fuzzy feelings.

The most recent episode is: 73 • Moving Beyond Syntax: Lessons from 20 Years of Blocks Programming in AgentSheets by Alexander Repenning


Just launched — we now have a wiki that anyone can edit. It’s a place to organize the links and projects and ideas amassed during our Slack discussions. The project is still very (very) young, so please share your desires and frustrations on the Slack in #present-company.


Want to follow the ongoing work and interesting finds of the community, without being tied to Slack? We have a weekly newsletter that allows you to follow along from the comfort of your inbox. It features popular links shared by community members, the most interesting discussions, updates on our projects and research, and other highlights.


Our members are working together to bring about a futuristic vision of computing, and you can help — or get help with your own futuristic project. Our collaboration page collects projects that are on-the-go in our community, and resources to help folks combine their efforts.


One of our special projects is the Whole Code Catalog, a collection of detailed reviews of 24 programming-ish interfaces and experiments.


The community was originally founded by Steve Krouse, and you can read a lot more about his ideas and research here. The current steward of the community is Ivan Reese. Thanks to Kartik, Mariano, Jimmy, Lu, and Ibro for their help.

If you’d like to read up a bit on the ideas our community was formed around, Chris Novello’s Computer Utopias curriculum (particularly Week 3 & 4) and The New Media Reader are fantastic resources. Fancy a video? This Alan Kay talk is foundational.


Head to our contact page to get in touch. Spotted an error? You can open a PR for this website on Github.

See you in the future!